Posts Tagged ‘dictator Chavez’

Donald Trump Blames Arab, Muslim (& Venezuela’s dictator Hugo Chavez) oil for Economic Crisis

February 6, 2009
Donald Trump Blames Arab, Muslim (& Venezuela’s dictator Hugo Chavez) oil for Economic Crisis
Donald Trump blames Arab Oil for the world crisis
Trump: There’s Too Much Oil ^ | July 29, 2008 | staff

Real estate mogul Donald Trump says there is way too much oil in the world
to justify the current high market prices. “Frankly, I hear there are tankers
all over the world that are loaded up to the gills with oil,” he told CNBC.
“They have so much oil they don’t know what to do with it. It’s ridiculous
what’s going on with OPEC and all of that.” Trump blames major oil producing
countries for the current recession and accuses large oil companies of “doing a
major number” on everyone. Trump lauds the recent dips in the price of oil,…

Donald Trump Says – it’s the price of oil that is to blame by Ruth …Sep
29, 2008 … He said now the price of oil will plunge – possibly back down to a
possible … Trump blames the downturn on OPEC and the Saudi Arabians.
As far as the economy is concerned, though, Larry, I’m afraid that if and
when the economy does get going, you’ll have OPEC raise its ugly head and come
out and just raise oil prices again and kill it, because I think that OPEC had a
lot to do with the failing of the world economy. (Feb. 4, 2009)